We have been Bestbuy shareholders since 2001. There are many advantages to being a shareholder. We are like-minded small businesspeople sharing similar needs and goals. By attending our meetings, functions, and group trips like SunSplash and The Club we become more like a family than just business partners. This family includes other shareholders, our customers, and our suppliers.
We still maintain our independent identities in our local communities.
Scott & Todd Manz, Den-Paul Distributors
Our board and councils are made up of shareholders that work closely with our management team to develop relationships and agreements that bring in brand name, top quality parts at competitive prices using our joint buying power.
With Bestbuy, every shareholder has a voice, and we are not just another account. And by the nature of the way Bestbuy functions, even though we are a part of a national team, we still maintain our independent identities in our local communities.